About Violet Rook
I’m a retired registered Nurse and Midwife and have also been a part time lecturer in health subjects. I believe in Life Long Learning and gained a BSc. Hons from the Open University in 2001 and I’m the northern representative for the Association of Open University Graduates. I have a Postgraduate Certificate in Education and Development.
I was a member of Educational Appeals Panels and of the Children and Young Peoples Scrutiny Panel of Newcastle City Council. As a primary academy and college Governor, I try to combine health and education and participation in the community alongside being a Parish Councillor and a Community Champion. I help with promotion of health via being a Governor of the North East Ambulance and keeping up to date via webinars from the Royal Society of Public Health of which I am a Fellow.
I have been a Trustee of Newcastle Elders Council since 2015 and promote the needs of older people in the area via the networks mentioned and the North East Forum on Ageing and the North East Pensioners Convention.